Organic Solution’s Premium Worm Castings are the true mother-load of California castings.
Unlike other vermi-farming operations, we are proud of our magnificent and controlled facility.
At the core of our biologically enriched product line are the happiest worms on earth. Our
“Wormployees” are pampered and fed a controlled proprietary diet. It all starts with the cleanest,
composted and screened free-range horse manures, pre-consumer vegetable waste, locally
sourced coffee grounds along with coco-peat and crustacean sea-creature shells, (high chitin-content).
We also fortify their diet with humates, kelp meal and Judi bola online regional rock dust! The end result is
Organic Solution’s Premium Worm Castings, a beautiful humus-like material that contains
the highest saturation of nutrients around.
Premium Worm Castings 6 quart $14.95 retail, with shipping $25.00
Premium Worm Castings 12 quart $19.95 retail, with shipping $32.00
Premium Worm Castings 25 quarts, $29.95 retail, with shipping $45.00